Know The Types Of Ornamental Water Plants Java Fern


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To decorate the aquarium into something extraordinary, you are required to be more creative. Starting from the process of selecting the type of fish, the color of the lights, filters, to the decorations inside. And one way to decorate the most often chosen is to put water ornamental plants into it.

For example, Java Fern. This ornamental plant has a Latin name in the form of Microsorum Pteropus. For now, the Java Fern plant is still the prima donna, because it is often used by many people. This is because it has many advantages. One of them is the ease of the maintenance process. To be clear, let's discuss about Java Fern in depth.

Get to know Java Fern

This Java Fern ornamental plant belongs to the Polypodiaceae family, originally from Southeast Asia. The genus itself consists of more than 50 species. This plant grows on rocks, or around trees that have water. Examples include waterfalls and rivers. Interestingly, it can grow perfectly in water, or only partially.

The important point is in the 'moist place' huh. Where, it can live in humid places, or in contact with water. Very flexible. Did you know that it turns out that Java Fern has several types. Well, to find out the types, even if you read this article to the end, because we will discuss several types.

Java fern is one of the ornamental water plants that is easy to care for. And does not require any special care. The most important thing you can pay attention to is only in terms of lighting. Make sure, that this plant gets enough light. Alright, that's all. Because it turns out, this cool plant can grow beyond the size of your aquarium if it's too small.

So, we recommend using an aquarium that is not so small, so that the leaves do not exceed the size of your aquarium. Good lighting for this ornamental plant is a lamp that is not so bright. This is because when you use very bright lights, you can damage the leaves, and even damage the trees. Instead of making it thrive, it's the other way around.

Of course you don't want this to happen, do you? So, make sure to choose the right lighting, namely lights that are not so bright. Especially considering that in fact, the habitat of this one plant does not get much light, because it grows among other plants.

so, when it suddenly gets too much light it will make the leaves slowly turn brown, which will eventually become transparent. The power of the lamp that you can use is at least between 1.5 to 2 watts for each gallon containing 3.7 liters of water.

In addition to paying attention to the lights, you also need to pay attention to nutrition and CO2. Because after all, both are the needs of every plant, yes. With the presence of nutrients and CO2, it will definitely make your Java Fern grow faster than one that does not get both. Even so, this one ornamental plant can still live without both. It's just that the growth will definitely be much slower. If you want to provide nutritional intake, it is better if you provide nutrition in liquid form.

This is because if you provide nutrients in the form of fertilizer, it will definitely not have much impact on the Java Fern. Because he will take the existing nutrients directly from the water. This plant is very suitable for beginners.

Because of that, there is no special treatment that you have to do. For example, cutting leaves regularly. Yes, although actually, this will depend on your taste. However, due to its relatively slow growth, there is almost no cutting tone. The height itself can be up to 35 cm, and that height is the maximum height. So, it's really worth it to be applied to various sizes. But don't use a small aquarium, because it is certain that the leaves will reach the size of your aquarium.

Types of Java Fern

As mentioned earlier, this water ornamental plant has various types. Here are some of them.

Java Fern Needle Leaf

The first type is 'needle leaf'. This type is a plant with a leaf size that is relatively smaller when compared to the others. No wonder he was named the 'needle'. Which if we interpret it means a needle. And if you look closely, then it will look like a bunch of needles. The height itself can reach 15 cm. If the problem is the shape itself, it's definitely very interesting. You can imagine how unique long needles would be if they were put together and collected. It will definitely display a 'wow' form.


This type is considered the strangest type of Java Fern. Know why? Yes, because it only has one leaf. Where, the leaves will soar.

However, it still has a small branch at each end of the leaf. So it can be said like a finger that many. Besides being weird, of course the shape is also quite unique. This type of one can grow up to 20 cm.

Narrow leaf

The next type is Narrow Leaf. Java Fern Narrow Leaf is generally the same as other types. What distinguishes it is only in terms of the size of the leaves. Generally, this Java Fern leaf is in the range of 15 to 20 cm, while the size of the Narrow Leaf is only 10 to 20 cm.

How to grow Java Fern

How to grow Java Fern? It's easy. You just need to attach this plant to the rocks using G glue. Just drop a few drops on the rock, then stick the plant. Or, you can also tuck the plants into between stones or wood. As simple as that. Then, you can wait for it to start growing. It's just that, you need to pay attention to some of the things we have explained above. One of them is the lighting and nutrition section.

Java Fern Price

The last part we will discuss is related to price. Until now, not a few people think that ornamental water plants that are easy to cultivate and do not require special care are plants with low prices. Of course, this opinion is not always true. Because once you know this Java Fern plant you will think the opposite. That not all plants that are easy to grow and do not require special care are expensive. For example, Java Fern. Where, you can get it at a very cheap price. The small price is just under Rp. 10,000, while when the plant gets bigger in size, the price will be higher. At least it reaches Rp. 80,000.

So about Java Fern. Let's immediately make your choice, and buy immediately. May be useful.

Getting to Know Java Moss Ornamental Water Plants - Suitable for Aquascape

 tanaman hias java moss

Ornamental Water Plants Java Moss

One of the simplest ways to decorate a room is to add an 'Aquarium' at home. Unfortunately, the aquarium does not absolutely immediately turn your home into an aesthetic and attractive one.

Because to make it so attractive, you need to add ornamental water plants. Currently, there are quite a lot of ornamental water plants that you can choose from.

And what is no less important is that these ornamental plants not only make the appearance of your aquarium and home more beautiful, but can help the aquarium filter system for water filtration. One plant that is highly recommended for you to choose is Java moss.

Because when compared to other ornamental water plants, Java moss is fairly good for the ecosystem in your aquarium.

Because besides being able to help the filtering system, it can also provide oxygen or an aeration system for live biota in the aquarium.

In fact, the existing fish will make this plant their home. For more details, here are some complete explanations.

Get to know Java Moss

This ornamental water plant is one of the most popular plants used for aquariums. And it is often the choice of many people because of its simple and easy maintenance.

This beautiful plant tends to grow on rock or wood that floats. Which when placed into the aquarium, it will be located at the bottom of the aquarium, so it can be a protector for newborn fish.

Interestingly, this plant can grow with various light intensities, can be placed with high, low, or even medium light.

For the temperature itself ranging from 21 to 32 degrees. Thus, we can see for ourselves, how flexible Jva moss is.

The Latin name for Java Moss is Taxiphyllum barbieri, and is a genus of Vesicularia. In addition, it also belongs to the category of productive mosses. This plant comes from the Southeast Asian region.

For the appearance itself is quite amazing. Especially if you apply it to the bottom of the aquarium. You can also place this plant like an expanse like a carpet in an aquarium.

Thus, the display will look more attractive, and as if making a fantasy like a savanna in water. Or, you can also remember this plant to a twig using thread.

So that it has the appearance of a tree with lush leaves. If you can actually operate it in another form, it will be much better.

Its stunning appearance is also one of the reasons why Java Moss is a favorite for aquarium lovers and ornamental water plants.

Compatibility with Fish

Java Moss Has a uniqueness that is different from other plants. That is compatible with almost all types of fish. And almost all the fish won't eat it.

And what's no less interesting is that even the very hungry koi fish don't want to eat it, as if letting this plant still look elegant in the aquarium.

Not only that, some very active fish movements don't necessarily make this ornamental plant die. It looks beautiful, easy to maintain, flexible, has excellent durability, of course there is no reason not to choose Java moss.

Is it? So, for those of you who don't like to be bothered, don't like complicated things, of course this ornamental plant is a very good alternative.

Usually, fish farmers will toss moss into the pond, the size of an adult's fistful for nesting fish when laying eggs. Because when the child is born, this plant will be a hiding place for the children of the fish.

In fact, the clumps will also create a special microscopic environment or its own. What is a microscopic circle? So, what is meant by this microscopic circle is a place to live for micro-organisms that can be a source of food for small fish.

Especially for fish that have just hatched. This is really cool. It can be a source of oxygen, it can also absorb ammonia levels and a place to live for aggressive fish.

Characteristics of Java Moss Ornamental Plants

Before choosing this one ornamental plant, you need to know its characteristics first. Because then, of course, it will make it easier for you to do many things.

Well, this Taxiphyllum plant has a very cool character, because it is not fussy at all. He is the type who easily adapts to the surrounding environment.

In addition, you also don't need to do special 'complicated' treatments, because Taxiphyllum doesn't need it. So it is very worth it to decorate all aquariums at home. In addition, this plant can also live with a variety of water and nutrients.

Its forked leaves will stick very easily to rocks, wood, or anything they can reach and wrap around. However, it is a typical plant that is a bit slow to grow. And to speed up its growth a little, you need to provide good lighting for it.

This Java Moss plant will grow spreadly, both vertically and horizontally in each layer. If you provide a proper and good filtering system, of course he will keep this Jva clean and free from various impurities that will stick to his body.

So, you need to choose a quality aquarium filtration system. In order for this plant to reproduce perfectly, you can trim the leaf branches. And based on various experiences, there are those who find a unique phenomenon, that the rest of these plants can also become plants.

The planting process is also very easy. You only need to put it into the aquarium object using a thread or fishing line. Then apply this plant by attaching it to the aquarium object.

And just wait a few weeks. Then it will start sticking to the object that you have provided. Until the thread or fishing line will be covered. Or, if you don't want to use rope or thread, you can clip this hand between 2 wire mesh for Java Moss media.

Java Moss Price

Maybe, by knowing the advantages, characteristics, and how to plant it, you will think that the price is quite expensive. Is it? Take it easy, all the beauty and advantages possessed by Java Moss do not necessarily make the price expensive.

And usually, the price will adjust to the size you buy. For the cheapest price is usually priced from Rp. 8,000 only. That's for the little ones. while for the amount only Rp. 45,000 lol.

So cheap isn't it? Of course, this price is far from your imagination right? Quiet. Prepare only Rp. 50,000, then you can get this large plant.


For those of you who are going to start or are building an Aquascape, you definitely need basic plants/carpets or ornamental plants. So that the appearance of the aquarium will look greener and alive. And, Java Moss can be one of your options to plant it in Aquascape.

With easy and simple maintenance, it's also not expensive, it will definitely trigger you to be more enthusiastic in taking care of it. Okay, maybe that's all the author's discussion about Java Moss, hopefully it can increase your knowledge and references Aqua Friends. Thank you.

So what are you waiting for, let's provide Java Moss for your aquascape at home. May be useful.

Java Moss Ornamental Water Plant Recommended for Aquascape

15 Best Indoor and Outdoor Ornamental Water Plants

 Tanaman Air Hias

For those of you who like to keep fish, of course creating a good ecosystem for fish to be able to survive longer is something that is very desirable. To create a good ecosystem environment for fish, you only need to add several types of ornamental water plants in the fish's living habitat (Aquarium).

For those of you who want to beautify the appearance of an aquarium at home or a fish pond in the yard, increasing the variety of aquatic plants that are included in addition to decoration can also be the right solution. Putting ornamental plants can also add a supply of fresh oxygen, and some plants can also be food for fish in aquariums and ponds, you know.

There are many types of ornamental water plants that can be planted in aquariums or fish ponds in order to increase the aesthetic value of the pond.

7 Types of Water Plants Most Suitable For Aquascape

There are various types of ornamental plants to beautify the aquascape in your home. Below are some types of ornamental water plants that are very suitable for aquariums and aquascapes.

You can choose plants that are the right size for the aquarium and make sure the fish can swim freely, yes!

1. Water Wisteria

tanaman air hias aquascape
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Water wisteria plants have high lace leaves that look like green leaves, as if they can add a beautiful bright green accent to your aquarium. In addition, water wisteria is suitable to be planted at the bottom of the aquarium so that it looks like a carpet.

This ornamental water plant is very easy to grow in an aquarium and only requires minimal maintenance. This plant is very well suited to moderate light levels, and thrives well at temperatures of 23-27 degrees Celsius.

2. Java Moss

Tanaman Air Hias Java Mos
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Java moss is a very popular plant for aquariums and is a plant that does not require much maintenance.

This aquarium ornamental plant is often found on floating pieces of wood and rocks. Because this plant grows at the bottom of the aquarium, making this plant a hiding place for fish fry from predators.

Java moss can grow in areas that have light levels (high / medium / low), and at temperatures between 21-32 degrees Celsius.

3. Java Fern

Java Fern
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Java Fern is a plant that is entirely long green leaves that can grow anywhere in the aquarium. This plant only requires minimal maintenance, and is generally planted as an aquarium background.

The Java Fern also provides good hiding areas for fish and mimics their natural habitat. Known as Microsorum Pteropus, it is found in China, Malaysia, and Taiwan. But now many are found in various ornamental plant shops.

This type of aquatic plant only needs low to medium light levels and is best planted in a temperature range of 20-27 degrees Celsius.

4. Cryptocoryne Wendtii

Actually this type of aquarium water plant has a bad reputation, because this plant easily wilts and makes it look no longer beautiful. This is because this type of aquatic plant is very difficult to adapt in all conditions.

But if you are able to be patient and patient, then this aquarium ornamental plant can grow beautifully in the water, especially this one plant has a shape and color that is not like aquatic plants in general.

5. Hornwort

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This type of ornamental water plant for an aquarium is commonly known as Coontail or in Indonesia it is often referred to as hornwort or ganggeng.

Hornwort is very suitable to be placed where I am in the aquarium, moreover generally hornwort is sold in a cup or pot that can be placed at the bottom of the aquarium.

This plant is able to breed in large numbers, so it looks beautiful when placed in an outdoor pool.

This type of aquatic plant for aquariums is very adaptable and can survive in various water conditions.

6. Amazon Sword

This aquarium ornamental plant has a tall shape that resembles a sword, that's why this plant is called the "Amazon sword".

This plant is suitable as a background or as a hiding area for ornamental fish in a home aquarium.

The height of this plant can reach 50 cm, and is often planted in the back of the aquarium in groups. This plant grows healthy at a temperature of 22-27 degrees Celsius.

7. Anuba Nana

This type of aquatic plant for the aquarium, named Anubas Nana, has smaller leaves from the anuba family. Unlike the pond tongue fern, this plant grows slowly and gradually.

Once purchased, make sure that it is immediately placed in a planting container and not uprooted and placed in a shady area in the aquarium.

Anubas Nana is quite rare and even if there were, the price would be expensive. The advantage of this ornamental water plant is as a fish hiding place which is very comfortable because this plant has wide leaves.

Types of Aquatic Plants for Fish Ponds

For those of you who like gardening and garden maintenance, of course you also want a fish pond, right? A fish pond can be a decoration in a beautiful corner of the garden.

The following are ornamental water plants that you can choose to fill your fish pond. Because the fish pond is located in an outdoor area and emphasizes the surface, the plants chosen are the type that grows floating or on the edge of the pond.

8. Amazon Frogbit

Amazon frogbit is a popular floating aquatic plant for fish ponds, especially aquariums.
The roots are under water and the leaves appear on the surface with a flattened round appearance. The presence of this type of aquatic plant can increase the supply of oxygen for fish in the pond.

But you must be diligent in cleaning the old leaves. This is because the Amazon Frogbit is really fast growing and can cover the entire surface of the pond.

9. Azolla

Azolla is a very productive plant and can cover the entire surface of a pond with its small, water-repellent leaves in a matter of days.

The general name is Mosquito Fern because this plant is very effective at repelling mosquitoes from laying eggs.

This prevents the presence of mosquito larvae in the pool.
Not only that, Azolla can be used as a natural fish feed source.

10. Lotus/Lotus

The water lotus is a beautiful exotic plant and can no doubt be the center of attention of a fish pond. The flowers are able to spread across the surface of the pond and have a variety of colors.

Water lotuses thrive in bright light and are able to fill the pond quickly. Therefore, you must be diligent to get rid of the old flowers to the roots.

11. Creeping Jenny

Creeping jenny ornamental water plants are generally found on the banks of rivers and attached to rocks. Now, you can buy the seeds at the nearest ornamental water plant store.

Creeping Jenny will look beautiful in the corner or on the edge of the pool, because it can give a beautiful green impression. This type of aquatic plant also does not require special care, it only needs to be pruned after proliferating heavily.

12. Water Lily

The water lily flower almost has a resemblance to the water lily. The most striking difference is in the leaves. The water lily leaves always float like a flat pad, the lotus is far above and touches the surface.

This type of aquatic plant can live in all conditions, so this plant is perfect for those of you who are beginners in maintaining ornamental water plants.

13. Rough Horse Tail

This type of ornamental aquatic plant is really great for adding a vertical look to an outdoor pond. Rough horse tail can grow up to three feet tall, but small varieties can grow up to eight inches.

Because it grows fast in water, you can plant it in a container first before submerging it in a pond to control its growth.

14. Water Hyacinth

Water hyacinth, that's what Indonesian people call it. This one plant is often considered as a water weed for fish breeders because its very fast growth is feared to interfere with the life of the biota in it.

But did you know that water hyacinth has very beautiful flowers. what more if the water hyacinth enters the spring. wow that's really beautiful...

15. Apu Apu

Apu-apu, kapu-kapu, or driftwood (Pistia stratiotes) are one of the multifunctional aquatic plants. Apart from being an ornamental (water ornamental plant), apu-apu also functions as a cleaner from water pollution.

In addition, apu-apu water plants, including one of the ornamental plants that are easy to care for and stubborn.

16. Kiambang

Salvinia molesta, or also known as Kiambang. Kiambang is a type of water spike that can be found floating in stagnant water, such as ponds, rice fields and lakes, or in calm flowing rivers.

Fish breeders often use this plant as a shelter for fish from the hot sun and as a hiding place from predators.

But unfortunately this one plant does not have flowers like the other plants above. So that makes kiambang not so popular among hobbyists of ornamental water plants. But it remains a choice in the hearts of fish farmers.

So there you have it, various types of aquatic plants that you can use to beautify your aquarium and pond. Etssss..... Don't forget to make sure the plants you care for get enough sunlight, OK!

If you have any questions, please leave a trace in the comments column. Thank you for reading this blog to the end.

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